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103 uint

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 2016-2020 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: uint.m
% Main author: juliensf
% Stability: low.
% Predicates and functions for dealing with unsigned machine sized integer
% numbers.

:- module uint.
:- interface.

:- import_module pretty_printer.


    % Convert an int to a uint.
    % Fails if the int is less than zero.
:- pred from_int(int::in, uint::out) is semidet.

    % As above, but throw an exception instead of failing.
:- func det_from_int(int) = uint.

:- func cast_from_int(int) = uint.

:- func cast_to_int(uint) = int.

    % Less than.
:- pred (uint::in) < (uint::in) is semidet.

    % Greater than.
:- pred (uint::in) > (uint::in) is semidet.

    % Less than or equal.
:- pred (uint::in) =< (uint::in) is semidet.

    % Greater than or equal.
:- pred (uint::in) >= (uint::in) is semidet.

    % Maximum.
:- func max(uint, uint) = uint.

    % Minimum.
:- func min(uint, uint) = uint.

    % Addition.
:- func uint + uint = uint.
:- mode in   + in  = uo is det.
:- mode uo   + in  = in is det.
:- mode in   + uo  = in is det.

:- func plus(uint, uint) = uint.

    % Subtraction.
:- func uint - uint = uint.
:- mode in   - in   = uo is det.
:- mode uo   - in   = in is det.
:- mode in   - uo   = in is det.

:- func minus(uint, uint) = uint.

    % Multiplication.
:- func (uint::in) * (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.
:- func times(uint, uint) = uint.

    % Truncating integer division.
    % Throws a `domain_error' exception if the right operand is zero.
:- func (uint::in) div (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Truncating integer division.
    % Throws a `domain_error' exception if the right operand is zero.
:- func (uint::in) // (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % (/)/2 is a synonym for (//)/2.
:- func (uint::in) / (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % unchecked_quotient(X, Y) is the same as X // Y, but the behaviour
    % is undefined if the right operand is zero.
:- func unchecked_quotient(uint::in, uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Modulus.
    % X mod Y = X - (X div Y) * Y
    % Throws a `domain_error' exception if the right operand is zero.
:- func (uint::in) mod (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Remainder.
    % X rem Y = X - (X // Y) * Y.
    % Throws a `domain_error/` exception if the right operand is zero.
:- func (uint::in) rem (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % unchecked_rem(X, Y) is the same as X rem Y, but the behaviour is
    % undefined if the right operand is zero.
:- func unchecked_rem(uint::in, uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Left shift.
    % X << Y returns X "left shifted" by Y bits.
    % The bit positions vacated by the shift are filled by zeros.
    % Throws an exception if Y is not in [0, bits_per_uint).
:- func (uint::in) << (int::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % unchecked_left_shift(X, Y) is the same as X << Y except that the
    % behaviour is undefined if Y is not in [0, bits_per_uint).
    % It will typically be implemented more efficiently than X << Y.
:- func unchecked_left_shift(uint::in, int::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Right shift.
    % X >> Y returns X "right shifted" by Y bits.
    % The bit positions vacated by the shift are filled by zeros.
    % Throws an exception if Y is not in [0, bits_per_uint).
:- func (uint::in) >> (int::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % unchecked_right_shift(X, Y) is the same as X >> Y except that the
    % behaviour is undefined if Y is not in [0, bits_per_uint).
    % It will typically be implemented more efficiently than X >> Y.
:- func unchecked_right_shift(uint::in, int::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % even(X) is equivalent to (X mod 2 = 0).
:- pred even(uint::in) is semidet.

    % odd(X) is equivalent to (not even(X)), i.e. (X mod 2 = 1).
:- pred odd(uint::in) is semidet.

    % Bitwise and.
:- func (uint::in) /\ (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Bitwise or.
:- func (uint::in) \/ (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % Bitwise exclusive or (xor).
:- func xor(uint, uint) = uint.
:- mode xor(in, in) = uo is det.
:- mode xor(in, uo) = in is det.
:- mode xor(uo, in) = in is det.

    % Bitwise complement.
:- func \ (uint::in) = (uint::uo) is det.

    % max_uint is the maximum value of a uint on this machine.
:- func max_uint = uint.

    % bits_per_uint is the number of bits in a uint on this machine.
:- func bits_per_uint = int.

    % Convert a uint to a pretty_printer.doc for formatting.
:- func uint_to_doc(uint) = pretty_printer.doc.

% Computing hashes of uints.

    % Compute a hash value for a uint.
:- func hash(uint) = int.
:- pred hash(uint::in, int::out) is det.


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