[m-rev.] diff: clean up CLP(R) interface

Julien Fischer juliensf at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Mar 3 15:25:29 AEDT 2005

Estimated hours taken: 1.5
Branches: main, release

Clean up the CLP(R) interface.  The main change here is
to remove deprecated syntax that causes warnings to be
issued by the 0.12 branch.

	Don't warn about the module cfloat_lib not exporting

	Replace deprecated inst and mode syntax.

	Use the new foreign language interface.

	Conform to our current C and Mercury coding

	Various minor formatting changes.

	Replace deprecated inst and mode syntax.

	Update the expected output for this test case.
	The `_v<n>' variable numbers have changed.


Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.23 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	14 Mar 2002 04:41:22 -0000	1.23
+++ Mmakefile	3 Mar 2005 03:46:36 -0000
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 		$(subst .tr.,$(grade),$(findstring .tr.,$(grade))) \
 		$(filter %.tr,$(grade)))

+MCFLAGS-cfloat_lib += --no-warn-nothing-exported
 # Enable C debugging
 #MLFLAGS = -g
Index: cfloat.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/cfloat.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.36.2.1 cfloat.m
--- cfloat.m	3 Mar 2005 03:39:18 -0000
+++ cfloat.m	3 Mar 2005 04:09:20 -0000
@@ -26,56 +26,59 @@

 :- interface.

+:- import_module list.

 :- inst constrained == any.

-:- mode co::(free -> constrained).		% constrain a free variable
-:- mode ca::(constrained -> constrained).	% constraint across
+:- mode co == free >> constrained.		% constrain a free variable
+:- mode ca == constrained >> constrained.	% constraint across
 						% (add a constraint)
-:- mode cg::(constrained -> ground).		% constraint grounded
+:- mode cg == constrained >> ground.		% constraint grounded

 	% This is probably a handy set of modes too...
-%:- import_module list.
-:- inst list_of_constrained == bound([] ; [constrained|list_of_constrained]).
-:- mode list_co::(free -> list_of_constrained).
-:- mode list_ca::(list_of_constrained -> list_of_constrained).
-:- mode list_cg::(list_of_constrained -> ground).
+:- inst list_of_constrained == list(constrained).
+:- mode list_co == free >> list_of_constrained.
+:- mode list_ca == list_of_constrained >> list_of_constrained.
+:- mode list_cg == list_of_constrained >> ground.


 :- solver type cfloat.

-% NOTE:
-% The order of the mode declarations for most of the following preds is
-% important, since the mode checker tries the given modes of a pred in the
+% NOTE: the order of the mode declarations for most of the following preds
+% is important, since the mode checker tries the given modes of a pred in the
 % order they are declared, and we don't want it to use an implied mode.

-	% initialise a solver variable
-:- pred cfloat__init(cfloat).
-:- mode cfloat__init(co) is det.
+	% Initialise a solver variable.
+	%
+:- pred cfloat__init(cfloat::co) is det.

 	% negation
+	%
 :- func '-'(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '-'(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '-'(co) = ca is det.
 :- mode '-'(ca) = co is det.

 	% equality
+	%
 :- pred '=='(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode '=='(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '=='(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode '=='(ca, co) is det.

 	% disequality
+	%
 :- pred \==(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode \==(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode \==(co, ca) is det.
 :- mode \==(ca, co) is det.

 	% addition
+	%
 :- func '+'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '+'(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '+'(ca, co) = ca is det.
@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@
 :- mode '+'(ca, ca) = co is det.

 	% subtraction
+	%
 :- func '-'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '-'(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '-'(ca, co) = ca is det.
@@ -90,6 +94,7 @@
 :- mode '-'(ca, ca) = co is det.

 	% multiplication
+	%
 :- func '*'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '*'(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '*'(ca, co) = ca is semidet.	% semidet since eg. 0*X=1 fails
@@ -102,6 +107,7 @@

 	% division
 	% X / Y = Z :- X = Y * Z, Y \== 0.
+	%
 :- func '/'(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '/'(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '/'(ca, co) = ca is semidet.	% semidet since eg. 0/X=1 fails
@@ -113,6 +119,7 @@
 :- mode '/'(co, co) = co is det.

 	% X > Y
+	%
 :- pred '>'(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode '>'(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '>'(co, ca) is det.
@@ -120,6 +127,7 @@
 :- mode '>'(co, co) is det.

 	% X >= Y
+	%
 :- pred '>='(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode '>='(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '>='(co, ca) is det.
@@ -127,6 +135,7 @@
 :- mode '>='(co, co) is det.

 	% X < Y
+	%
 :- pred '<'(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode '<'(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '<'(ca, co) is det.
@@ -134,6 +143,7 @@
 :- mode '<'(co, co) is det.

 	% X =< Y
+	%
 :- pred '=<'(cfloat, cfloat).
 :- mode '=<'(ca, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '=<'(ca, co) is det.
@@ -144,6 +154,7 @@

 	% min(X, Y) = (if X < Y then X else Y).
 	% Operationally: generally delays until X and Y are ground.
+	%
 :- func min(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode min(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode min(co, ca) = ca is semidet.
@@ -156,6 +167,7 @@

 	% max(X, Y) = (if X > Y then X else Y).
 	% Operationally: generally delays until X and Y are ground.
+	%
 :- func max(cfloat, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode max(ca, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode max(co, ca) = ca is semidet.
@@ -168,6 +180,7 @@

 	% abs(X) = max(X, -X).
 	% Operationally: generally delays until X is ground.
+	%
 :- func abs(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode abs(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode abs(co) = ca is semidet.
@@ -176,6 +189,7 @@

 	% The usual mathematical sine function.
 	% Operationally: generally delays until argument is ground.
+	%
 :- func sin(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode sin(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode sin(co) = ca is semidet.
@@ -184,6 +198,7 @@

 	% The usual mathematical cosine function.
 	% Operationally: generally delays until argument is ground.
+	%
 :- func cos(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode cos(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode cos(co) = ca is semidet.
@@ -193,6 +208,7 @@
 	% The inverse of the sin function restricted to [-1,1] -> [-pi,].
 	% Reports a runtime error if the argument or result is out of range.
 	% Generally delays until either argument or result is ground.
+	%
 :- func arcsin(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode arcsin(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode arcsin(co) = ca is semidet.
@@ -202,6 +218,7 @@
 	% The inverse of the sin function restricted to [-1,1] -> [-pi,].
 	% Reports a runtime error if the argument or result is out of range.
 	% Generally delays until either argument or result is ground.
+	%
 :- func arccos(cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode arccos(ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode arccos(co) = ca is semidet.
@@ -216,7 +233,7 @@
 	% given the constraints on X; if there is no unique value, then
 	% the predicate will abort at runtime.
 	% XXX should this be `cc_multi' rather than `det'?
+	%
 :- pred cfloat__get_val(cfloat, float).
 :- mode cfloat__get_val(ca, out) is det.

@@ -356,7 +373,7 @@
 		any		is ground,
 		equality 	is cfloat__eq.

-:- pragma c_header_code("
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "

 #include ""mercury_conf.h""
 #include ""mercury_trail.h""
@@ -406,7 +423,7 @@


-:- pragma c_code("
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "

 static ML_cfloat_choicepoint ML_cfloat_first_choicepoint;
 static ML_cfloat_choicepoint * ML_cfloat_current_cp =
@@ -503,7 +520,7 @@

-:- pragma c_header_code("
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "

@@ -882,7 +899,7 @@


-:- pragma c_code("
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "
 INIT init_cfloat_module
@@ -1463,4 +1480,6 @@
 		(void) ML_cfloat_arccos(Svar1, Svar2);

+:- end_module cfloat.
Index: cfloat_float.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/cfloat_float.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 cfloat_float.m
--- cfloat_float.m	6 Sep 1997 11:29:38 -0000	1.2
+++ cfloat_float.m	3 Mar 2005 04:03:55 -0000
@@ -21,17 +21,22 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module cfloat, float.

 	% cfloat-float equality
+	%
 :- pred ==(cfloat, float).
 :- mode ==(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode ==(co, in) is det.

 	% cfloat-float disequality
+	%
 :- pred \==(cfloat, float).
 :- mode \==(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode \==(co, in) is det.

 	% addition
+	%
 :- func '+'(cfloat, float) = cfloat.
 :- mode '+'(ca, in) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '+'(co, in) = ca is det.
@@ -39,6 +44,7 @@
 :- mode '+'(co, in) = co is det.

 	% subtraction
+	%
 :- func '-'(cfloat, float) = cfloat.
 :- mode '-'(ca, in) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '-'(co, in) = ca is det.
@@ -46,6 +52,7 @@
 :- mode '-'(co, in) = co is det.

 	% multiplication
+	%
 :- func '*'(cfloat, float) = cfloat.
 :- mode '*'(ca, in) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '*'(co, in) = ca is semidet.	% semidet since eg. X*0=1 fails
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@
 	% division
 	% note that division by a zero float results in a runtime error
 	% (whereas division by a zero cfloat just fails)
+	%
 :- func '/'(cfloat, float) = cfloat.
 :- mode '/'(ca, in) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '/'(co, in) = ca is det.
@@ -62,25 +70,32 @@
 :- mode '/'(co, in) = co is det.

 	% X > Y
+	%
 :- pred '>'(cfloat, float).
 :- mode '>'(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode '>'(co, in) is det.

 	% X >= Y
+	%
 :- pred '>='(cfloat, float).
 :- mode '>='(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode '>='(co, in) is det.

 	% X < Y
+	%
 :- pred '<'(cfloat, float).
 :- mode '<'(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode '<'(co, in) is det.

 	% X =< Y
+	%
 :- pred '=<'(cfloat, float).
 :- mode '=<'(ca, in) is semidet.
 :- mode '=<'(co, in) is det.

 :- implementation.

 X == Y :- cfloat__eq_float(X, Y).
@@ -95,3 +110,7 @@
 X >= Y :- cfloat__ge_float(X, Y).
 X < Y :- cfloat__lt_float(X, Y).
 X =< Y :- cfloat__le_float(X, Y).
+:- end_module cfloat_float.
Index: dump.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/dump.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 dump.m
--- dump.m	7 Dec 2000 13:16:55 -0000	1.15
+++ dump.m	3 Mar 2005 04:01:12 -0000
@@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
 % Stability: low/medium.
 :- module dump.

 :- interface.

 :- import_module cfloat, list, string, io.

 	% dump_one_solution(Pred, IO0, IO) is true iff
 	%	there is some constraint C between variables in CfloatList
 	%	such that Pred(CfloatsList, NameList) is satisfied if C holds,
@@ -25,38 +28,46 @@
 	%	to stdout, using the names in the corresponding list NamesList;
 	%	or, Pred(CfloatList, NameList) has no solution, and IO is
 	%	obtained from IO0 by writing "No solutions.\n" to stdout.
-:- pred dump_one_solution(
-		pred(list(cfloat), list(string)), io__state, io__state).
+	%
+:- pred dump_one_solution(pred(list(cfloat), list(string)), io, io).
 :- mode dump_one_solution(
 		pred(list_co, out) is cc_nondet, di, uo) is cc_multi.
 :- mode dump_one_solution(
 		pred(list_co, out) is semidet, di, uo) is cc_multi.

-:- pred dump_cfloat(cfloat::ca, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
 	% dump_cfloat(X, IO0, IO) is true iff
 	%	IO is obtained from IO0 by writing either
 	%		a floating point value F such that X has value F,
 	%	or
 	%		"_v<N>", where <N> is an integer.
+	%
+:- pred dump_cfloat(cfloat::ca, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.

 	% XXX this one is a non-logical hack, use only for debugging
+	%
 :- impure pred unsafe_dump(list(cfloat)::list_ca, list(string)::in) is det.

 	% XXX this one is a non-logical hack, use only for debugging
+	%
 :- impure pred unsafe_dump_cfloat(cfloat::ca) is det.

 	% for debugging only... this pred (non-logically) dumps the CLP(R)
 	% tableaus to standard error at runtime.
+	%
 :- impure pred unsafe_dump_tableaus is det.

 :- implementation.
 :- import_module int, require.

-:- pragma c_header_code("#include ""clpr/solver.h""").
-:- pragma c_header_code("#include ""clpr/clpr_misc.h""").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include ""clpr/solver.h""").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include ""clpr/clpr_misc.h""").

-:- pragma c_code(dump_cfloat(Svar::ca, IO0::di, IO::uo), will_not_call_mercury,
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump_cfloat(Svar::ca, IO0::di, IO::uo),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
 	double val;
 	if (CLPR_is_ground(Svar, &val)) {
@@ -68,7 +79,9 @@

-:- pragma c_code(unsafe_dump_cfloat(Svar::ca), will_not_call_mercury,
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	unsafe_dump_cfloat(Svar::ca),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
 	double val;
 	if (CLPR_is_ground(Svar, &val)) {
@@ -81,17 +94,17 @@
 	% WARNING: The implementation of this predicate is non-logical.
 :- pragma promise_pure(dump_one_solution/3).

-dump_one_solution(Pred) -->
-	( { call(Pred, Vars, VarNames) } ->
-		{ impure unsafe_dump(Vars, VarNames) }
+dump_one_solution(Pred, !IO) :-
+	( Pred(Vars, VarNames) ->
+		impure unsafe_dump(Vars, VarNames)
-		io__write_string("No solution.\n")
+		io.write_string("No solution.\n", !IO)

-	% unfortunately the standard same_length predicate in list.m
+	% Unfortunately the standard same_length predicate in list.m
 	% doesn't have this mode...
-:- pred same_len(list(T1), list(T2)).
-:- mode same_len(list_ca, in) is semidet.
+	%
+:- pred same_len(list(T1)::list_ca, list(T2)::in) is semidet.

 same_len([], []).
 same_len([_|Xs], [_|Ys]) :- same_len(Xs, Ys).
@@ -100,26 +113,22 @@
 	% relationships between the cfloats in the list CfloatList to
 	% stdout, using the names given in the list NamesList.
 	% Perhaps these should be one assoc_list(?).
+	%
 unsafe_dump(Cfloats, Names) :-
-		% Ensure Cfloats and names have the same length
-	(
-		same_len(Cfloats, Names)
-	->
+	% Ensure Cfloats and names have the same length
+	( same_len(Cfloats, Names) ->
 			% convert the mercury list of cfloats to a CLP(R)
 			% representation.
-		dump__mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(Cfloats, CLPRVars),
+		dump.mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(Cfloats, CLPRVars),
 			% convert the mercury list of strings to the required
 			% CLP(R) representation
-		dump__mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(Names, CLPRNames),
-		impure dump__do_dump(CLPRVars, CLPRNames),
-		impure dump__free(CLPRVars, CLPRNames)
+		dump.mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(Names, CLPRNames),
+		impure dump.do_dump(CLPRVars, CLPRNames),
+		impure dump.free(CLPRVars, CLPRNames)
 		error("list length mismatch in dump")

 	% convert the mercury cfloat list to a CLP(R) representation.
 	% The required representation is a CLPR_tagged pointer;
 	% CLPR_NIL is the empty list, a CLPR_CONS CLPR_tagged pointer
@@ -128,113 +137,127 @@
 	% CONS (etc.). The cfloat itself is a pointer to a single
 	% cell.  This cell has the CLPR_tag PAR, and the value (with
 	% the CLPR_tag taken off) is the variable's CLPR_solver_id.
-:- pred dump__mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(list(cfloat)::list_ca,
+	%
+:- pred dump.mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(list(cfloat)::list_ca,
 	c_pointer::out) is det.
-dump__mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list([], Empty) :-
-	dump__get_clpr_empty_list(Empty).
-dump__mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list([V|Vs], Result) :-
-	dump__mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(Vs, Tail),
-	dump__make_clpr_cfloat_list(V, Tail, Result).
-:- pragma c_header_code("#include <stdio.h>").
-:- pragma c_header_code("#include ""clpr/emul.h""").
-:- pragma c_header_code("#include ""clpr/compile.h""").
-:- pred dump__get_clpr_empty_list(c_pointer::out) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__get_clpr_empty_list(Empty::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-		"
-		Empty = addtag(CLPR_TAG_NIL, 0);
-		"
-		).

-:- pred dump__make_clpr_cfloat_list(cfloat::ca, c_pointer::in, c_pointer::out)
+dump.mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list([], Empty) :-
+	dump.get_clpr_empty_list(Empty).
+dump.mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list([V|Vs], Result) :-
+	dump.mercury_cfloat_list_to_clpr_list(Vs, Tail),
+	dump.make_clpr_cfloat_list(V, Tail, Result).
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include <stdio.h>").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include ""clpr/emul.h""").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include ""clpr/compile.h""").
+:- pred dump.get_clpr_empty_list(c_pointer::out) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.get_clpr_empty_list(Empty::out),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
+	Empty = addtag(CLPR_TAG_NIL, 0);
+:- pred dump.make_clpr_cfloat_list(cfloat::ca, c_pointer::in, c_pointer::out)
 	is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__make_clpr_cfloat_list(Head::ca, Tail::in, TheList::out),
-		will_not_call_mercury,
-		"
-		{
-		CLPR_int *HeadPtr;
-		CLPR_int **ListPtr;
-		ListPtr = malloc(2 * sizeof(CLPR_int *));
-		HeadPtr = malloc(sizeof(CLPR_int));
-		if (ListPtr == NULL || HeadPtr == NULL)
-			MR_fatal_error(""malloc() failed in dump"");
-		*HeadPtr = addtag(TAG_PAR, Head);
-		ListPtr[0] = HeadPtr;
-		ListPtr[1] = (CLPR_int *) Tail;
-		TheList = addtag(CLPR_TAG_CONS, ListPtr);
-		}
-		"
-		).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.make_clpr_cfloat_list(Head::ca, Tail::in, TheList::out),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
+	CLPR_int *HeadPtr;
+	CLPR_int **ListPtr;
+	ListPtr = malloc(2 * sizeof(CLPR_int *));
+	HeadPtr = malloc(sizeof(CLPR_int));
+	if (ListPtr == NULL || HeadPtr == NULL) {
+		MR_fatal_error(""malloc() failed in dump"");
+	}
+	*HeadPtr = addtag(TAG_PAR, Head);
+	ListPtr[0] = HeadPtr;
+	ListPtr[1] = (CLPR_int *) Tail;
+	TheList = addtag(CLPR_TAG_CONS, ListPtr);

 	% Convert the Mercury list of strings to the required CLP(R)
 	% representation - a single string, with the individual strings
-	% separated by the value DUMP_SEPARATOR
-:-pred dump__mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(list(string)::in,
+	% separated by the value DUMP_SEPARATOR.
+	%
+:-pred dump.mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(list(string)::in,
 	c_pointer::out) is det.
-dump__mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(Strings, CLPRString) :-
-	dump__total_string_length(Strings, StringsLength),
-	list__length(Strings, NumStrings),
-	CLPRStringLength is StringsLength + NumStrings,
-	dump__allocate_clpr_string(CLPRStringLength, CLPRString0),
-	dump__add_strings(Strings, CLPRString0, 0, CLPRString).
-:- pred dump__total_string_length(list(string)::in, int::out) is det.
-dump__total_string_length([], 0).
-dump__total_string_length([X|Xs], Result) :-
-	string__length(X, Length),
-	dump__total_string_length(Xs, TheRest),
-	Result is Length + TheRest.
-:- pred dump__allocate_clpr_string(int::in, c_pointer::out) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__allocate_clpr_string(Length::in, CLPRString::out),
-		will_not_call_mercury,
+dump.mercury_string_list_to_clpr_dump_string(Strings, CLPRString) :-
+	dump.total_string_length(Strings, StringsLength),
+	list.length(Strings, NumStrings),
+	CLPRStringLength = StringsLength + NumStrings,
+	dump.allocate_clpr_string(CLPRStringLength, CLPRString0),
+	dump.add_strings(Strings, CLPRString0, 0, CLPRString).
+:- pred dump.total_string_length(list(string)::in, int::out) is det.
+dump.total_string_length([], 0).
+dump.total_string_length([X | Xs], Result) :-
+	string.length(X, Length),
+	dump.total_string_length(Xs, TheRest),
+	Result = Length + TheRest.
+:- pred dump.allocate_clpr_string(int::in, c_pointer::out) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.allocate_clpr_string(Length::in, CLPRString::out),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
 	char *s;
-	if ((s = malloc(Length * sizeof(char))) == NULL)
+	if ((s = malloc(Length * sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
-			""malloc() failed in dump__allocate_clpr_string"");
+			""malloc() failed in dump.allocate_clpr_string"");
+	}
 	CLPRString = (MR_Word) s;

-:- pred dump__add_strings(list(string)::in, c_pointer::in, int::in,
+:- pred dump.add_strings(list(string)::in, c_pointer::in, int::in,
 	c_pointer::out) is det.
-dump__add_strings([], CLPRString, _, CLPRString).
-dump__add_strings([X|Xs], CLPRString0, Index, CLPRString) :-
-	dump__add_single_string(X, CLPRString0, Index, CLPRString1),
-	string__length(X, XLength),
-	NewIndex is Index + XLength + 1,
-	dump__add_strings(Xs, CLPRString1, NewIndex, CLPRString).

-:- pred dump__add_single_string(string::in, c_pointer::in, int::in,
+dump.add_strings([], CLPRString, _, CLPRString).
+dump.add_strings([X | Xs], CLPRString0, Index, CLPRString) :-
+	dump.add_single_string(X, CLPRString0, Index, CLPRString1),
+	string.length(X, XLength),
+	NewIndex = Index + XLength + 1,
+	dump.add_strings(Xs, CLPRString1, NewIndex, CLPRString).
+:- pred dump.add_single_string(string::in, c_pointer::in, int::in,
 	c_pointer::out) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__add_single_string(TheString::in, CLPRString0::in,
-	Index::in, CLPRString::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-		"
-		{
-			char *CLPRTmp, *StringTmp;
-			CLPRTmp = (char *) CLPRString0;
-			StringTmp = (char *) TheString;
-			CLPRString = CLPRString0;
-			CLPRTmp += Index;
-			while (*StringTmp != '\\0')
-				*CLPRTmp++ = *StringTmp++;
-		}
-		"
-		).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.add_single_string(TheString::in, CLPRString0::in,
+		Index::in, CLPRString::out),
+	[promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury],
+	char *CLPRTmp, *StringTmp;
+	CLPRTmp = (char *) CLPRString0;
+	StringTmp = (char *) TheString;

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern void CLPR_dump1(FILE *, CLPR_int *, char *);").
-:- impure pred dump__do_dump(c_pointer::in, c_pointer::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__do_dump(Vars::in, Names::in), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"CLPR_dump1(stdout, (CLPR_int *)&Vars, (char *)Names);").
+	CLPRString = CLPRString0;
+	CLPRTmp += Index;
+	while (*StringTmp != '\\0') {
+		*CLPRTmp++ = *StringTmp++;
+	}
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern void CLPR_dump1(FILE *, CLPR_int *, char *);").
+:- impure pred dump.do_dump(c_pointer::in, c_pointer::in) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.do_dump(Vars::in, Names::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	CLPR_dump1(stdout, (CLPR_int *)&Vars, (char *)Names);

-:- pragma c_header_code("static void free_clpr_list_mem(MR_Word list);").
-:- pragma c_code("
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "static void free_clpr_list_mem(MR_Word list);").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "
 	static void free_clpr_list_mem(MR_Word list)
 		if (CLPR_tag(list) == CLPR_TAG_CONS) {
@@ -247,12 +270,24 @@

 	% Free our dynamically allocated memory.
-:- impure pred dump__free(c_pointer::in, c_pointer::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(dump__free(Vars::in, TheString::in), will_not_call_mercury,
-		"
-		free_clpr_list_mem(Vars);
-		free((char *) TheString);
-		").
+	%
+:- impure pred dump.free(c_pointer::in, c_pointer::in) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	dump.free(Vars::in, TheString::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	free_clpr_list_mem(Vars);
+	free((char *) TheString);
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern void CLPR_print_tableaus(void);").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	unsafe_dump_tableaus,
+	[may_call_mercury],
+	CLPR_print_tableaus();

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern void CLPR_print_tableaus(void);").
-:- pragma c_code(unsafe_dump_tableaus, "CLPR_print_tableaus();").
+:- end_module dump.
Index: float_cfloat.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/float_cfloat.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 float_cfloat.m
--- float_cfloat.m	6 Sep 1997 11:29:39 -0000	1.3
+++ float_cfloat.m	3 Mar 2005 04:02:41 -0000
@@ -21,17 +21,22 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module cfloat, float.

 	% cfloat-float equality
+	%
 :- pred ==(float, cfloat).
 :- mode ==(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode ==(in, co) is det.

 	% cfloat-float disequality
+	%
 :- pred \==(float, cfloat).
 :- mode \==(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode \==(in, co) is det.

 	% addition
+	%
 :- func '+'(float, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '+'(in, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '+'(in, co) = ca is det.
@@ -39,6 +44,7 @@
 :- mode '+'(in, co) = co is det.

 	% subtraction
+	%
 :- func '-'(float, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '-'(in, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '-'(in, co) = ca is det.
@@ -46,6 +52,7 @@
 :- mode '-'(in, co) = co is det.

 	% multiplication
+	%
 :- func '*'(float, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '*'(in, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '*'(in, co) = ca is semidet.	% semidet since eg. X*0=1 fails
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
 :- mode '*'(in, co) = co is det.

 	% division
+	%
 :- func '/'(float, cfloat) = cfloat.
 :- mode '/'(in, ca) = ca is semidet.
 :- mode '/'(in, co) = ca is semidet.	% semidet since eg. X/0=1 fails
@@ -60,25 +68,32 @@
 :- mode '/'(in, co) = co is semidet.	% XXX really det

 	% X > Y
+	%
 :- pred '>'(float, cfloat).
 :- mode '>'(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '>'(in, co) is det.

 	% X >= Y
+	%
 :- pred '>='(float, cfloat).
 :- mode '>='(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '>='(in, co) is det.

 	% X < Y
+	%
 :- pred '<'(float, cfloat).
 :- mode '<'(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '<'(in, co) is det.

 	% X =< Y
+	%
 :- pred '=<'(float, cfloat).
 :- mode '=<'(in, ca) is semidet.
 :- mode '=<'(in, co) is det.

 :- implementation.

 X == Y :- cfloat__eq_float(Y, X).
@@ -93,3 +108,7 @@
 X >= Y :- cfloat__ge_float(Y, X).
 X < Y :- cfloat__lt_float(Y, X).
 X =< Y :- cfloat__le_float(Y, X).
+:- end_module float_cfloat.
Index: samples/laplace.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/samples/laplace.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 laplace.m
--- samples/laplace.m	14 Sep 1997 12:03:50 -0000	1.2
+++ samples/laplace.m	3 Mar 2005 04:12:43 -0000
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 :- mode vec_ca == list_ca.
 :- mode vec_cg == list_cg.

-:- inst mat_of_constrained == bound([];[vec_of_constrained|mat_of_constrained]).
-:- mode mat_co :: (free -> mat_of_constrained).
-:- mode mat_ca :: (mat_of_constrained -> mat_of_constrained).
-:- mode mat_cg :: (mat_of_constrained -> ground).
+:- inst mat_of_constrained == list(vec_of_constrained).
+:- mode mat_co == free >> mat_of_constrained.
+:- mode mat_ca == mat_of_constrained >> mat_of_constrained.
+:- mode mat_cg == mat_of_constrained >> ground.

 :- pred laplace(matrix::mat_ca) is semidet.
 laplace([_, _]).
Index: samples/sum_list.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/samples/sum_list.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 sum_list.m
--- samples/sum_list.m	16 Jan 1998 06:56:23 -0000	1.3
+++ samples/sum_list.m	3 Mar 2005 04:13:08 -0000
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 			X > 0
-			X0 is X - 1,
+			X0 = X - 1,
 			make_cfloat_list(X0, Ys),
 			Result = [Y|Ys]
Index: samples/tranny.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/samples/tranny.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 tranny.exp
--- samples/tranny.exp	16 Jan 1998 06:56:54 -0000	1.4
+++ samples/tranny.exp	3 Mar 2005 04:10:38 -0000
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 cc1 at 15.000000 [1.225225, 0.081126, -1.306351]
 cc2 at _v17 [0.000000]
 gnd at 0.000000 [-1.237477, -0.068874, 1.306351]
-in at _v34 [0.000000]
+in at _v22 [0.000000]
 b at 6.887387 [0.012252, 0.068874, -0.081126, 0.000000]
 e at 6.187387 [0.000000, 1.237477, -1.237477]
-out at _v49 [0.000000]
+out at _v37 [0.000000]
 Transistor state = active

Index: samples/tranny.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/clpr/samples/tranny.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.5.8.1 tranny.m
--- samples/tranny.m	3 Mar 2005 03:39:19 -0000
+++ samples/tranny.m	3 Mar 2005 04:14:07 -0000
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

 :- type circuit_node	--->	n(node, cfloat, list(cfloat)).
 				% Node name, Voltate, Collector Currents
-:- inst circuit_node	=	bound(n(ground, any, list_skel(any))).
+:- inst circuit_node	==	bound(n(ground, any, list_skel(any))).

 :- type resistor_name 	--->	r1 ; r2 ; r3 ; r4 ; re ; rc.
 :- type capacitor_name 	--->	c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 :- type diode_data	--->	diode_data(diode_code, diode_state,
 							cfloat, cfloat).
 				% Diode code, Diode state, Vf, Vbreak.
-:- inst diode_data = bound(	diode_data(ground, ground, any, any)).
+:- inst diode_data == bound(	diode_data(ground, ground, any, any)).

 :- type diode_code 	--->	di1.
 :- type diode_state 	--->	forward ; reverse.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 					transistor_data, transistor_data
 				% Type, Code, State, Mean, Min, Max.
-:- inst transistor_info = bound(info(
+:- inst transistor_info == bound(info(
 					ground, ground, ground,
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 :- type transistor_data	--->	data(cfloat, cfloat, cfloat, cfloat).
 				% Beta, Vbe, Vcestat, Vt).
-:- inst transistor_data	= bound(data(any, any, any, any)).
+:- inst transistor_data	== bound(data(any, any, any, any)).

 :- type transistor_type --->	npn ; pnp.
 :- type transistor_code --->	tr0 ; tr1.

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