[m-rev.] for review: move code for invoking commands via the shell

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Fri Jan 5 15:02:25 AEDT 2024

For review by anyone.

The immediate motivation for this is an upcoming change that centralises
the code used for file copying within the compiler.


Move code for invoking commands via the shell.

Move the code used for invoking commands via the shell out of the module_cmds
module and into its own module. In doing so, this moves it from the parse_tree
package into the libs package.

     Shift the code for invoking commands via the shell from here ...

     ... to here.

     Include the system_command module.

     Conform to the above change.

     Document the new module.


diff --git a/compiler/compile_target_code.m b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
index 4cd9b1e..45b17e5 100644
--- a/compiler/compile_target_code.m
+++ b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@
  :- import_module libs.optimization_options.
  :- import_module libs.options.
  :- import_module libs.shell_util.
+:- import_module libs.system_command.
  :- import_module libs.trace_params.
  :- import_module parse_tree.error_spec.
  :- import_module parse_tree.find_module.
diff --git a/compiler/fact_table.m b/compiler/fact_table.m
index 51e0eeb..0957567 100644
--- a/compiler/fact_table.m
+++ b/compiler/fact_table.m
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
  :- import_module libs.file_util.
  :- import_module libs.globals.
  :- import_module libs.options.
+:- import_module libs.system_command.
  :- import_module ll_backend.llds_out.
  :- import_module ll_backend.llds_out.llds_out_data.
  :- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
  :- import_module parse_tree.builtin_lib_types.
  :- import_module parse_tree.file_names.
-:- import_module parse_tree.module_cmds.
  :- import_module parse_tree.parse_tree_out_term.
  :- import_module parse_tree.parse_tree_out_type.
  :- import_module parse_tree.prog_foreign.
diff --git a/compiler/libs.m b/compiler/libs.m
index 4ccd76a..bbf5032 100644
--- a/compiler/libs.m
+++ b/compiler/libs.m
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
  % OS interfaces not provided by the standard library.
  :- include_module process_util.
  :- include_module shell_util.
+:- include_module system_command.
  :- include_module timestamp.

  % Constraint machinery for the termination analysers.
diff --git a/compiler/make.module_target.m b/compiler/make.module_target.m
index 3600daf..a3fe6cb 100644
--- a/compiler/make.module_target.m
+++ b/compiler/make.module_target.m
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
  :- import_module libs.options.
  :- import_module libs.process_util.
  :- import_module libs.shell_util.
+:- import_module libs.system_command.
  :- import_module libs.timestamp.
  :- import_module make.build.
  :- import_module make.check_up_to_date.
diff --git a/compiler/make.program_target.m b/compiler/make.program_target.m
index 3a31442..9d710f9 100644
--- a/compiler/make.program_target.m
+++ b/compiler/make.program_target.m
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
  :- import_module libs.options.
  :- import_module libs.process_util.
  :- import_module libs.shell_util.
+:- import_module libs.system_command.
  :- import_module libs.timestamp.
  :- import_module make.build.
  :- import_module make.check_up_to_date.
diff --git a/compiler/module_cmds.m b/compiler/module_cmds.m
index 3e3d3b6..4c9f84a 100644
--- a/compiler/module_cmds.m
+++ b/compiler/module_cmds.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
  % Copyright (C) 2008-2012 The University of Melbourne.
-% Copyright (C) 2013-2022 The Mercury team.
+% Copyright (C) 2013-2024 The Mercury team.
  % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
  % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@

  :- import_module io.
  :- import_module list.
-:- import_module maybe.


@@ -118,50 +117,6 @@
  :- pred maybe_set_exit_status(maybe_succeeded::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

-:- type quote_char
-    --->    forward     % '
-    ;       double.     % "
-:- type command_verbosity
-    --->    cmd_verbose
-            % Output the command line only with `--verbose'.
-    ;       cmd_verbose_commands.
-            % Output the command line with `--verbose-commands'. This should be
-            % used for commands that may be of interest to the user.
-    % invoke_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream,
-    %   Verbosity, Command, Succeeded):
-    %
-    % Invoke an executable. Progress messages, including error messages
-    % that say why we cannot make progress, will go to ProgressStream.
-    % Output from the invoked command will go to CmdOutputStream.
-    %
-:- pred invoke_system_command(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
-    io.text_output_stream::in,
-    command_verbosity::in, string::in, maybe_succeeded::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-    % invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
-    %   ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command,
-    %   MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded)
-    %
-    % Invoke an executable. Progress messages, including error messages
-    % that say why we cannot make progress, will go to ProgressStream.
-    % Output from the invoked command, filtered if MaybeProcessOutput
-    % is set to yes(...), will go to CmdOutputStream.
-    %
-:- pred invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(globals::in,
-    io.text_output_stream::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
-    command_verbosity::in, string::in, maybe(string)::in, maybe_succeeded::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-    % Make a command string, which needs to be invoked in a shell environment.
-    %
-:- pred make_command_string(string::in, quote_char::in, string::out) is det.
  % Java command-line tools utilities.
@@ -220,7 +175,7 @@

  :- import_module libs.compute_grade.    % for grade_directory_component
  :- import_module libs.options.
-:- import_module libs.process_util.
+:- import_module libs.system_command.
  :- import_module parse_tree.java_names.

  :- import_module bool.
@@ -229,6 +184,7 @@
  :- import_module io.call_system.
  :- import_module io.environment.
  :- import_module io.file.
+:- import_module maybe.
  :- import_module require.
  :- import_module set.
  :- import_module string.
@@ -607,241 +563,6 @@ maybe_set_exit_status(did_not_succeed, !IO) :-
      io.set_exit_status(1, !IO).

-invoke_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream,
-        CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command, Succeeded, !IO) :-
-    invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals, ProgressStream,
-        CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command, no, Succeeded, !IO).
-invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals, ProgressStream,
-        CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command, MaybeProcessOutput,
-        Succeeded, !IO) :-
-    % This predicate shouldn't alter the exit status of mercury_compile.
-    io.get_exit_status(OldStatus, !IO),
-    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, verbose, Verbose),
-    (
-        Verbosity = cmd_verbose,
-        PrintCommand = Verbose
-    ;
-        Verbosity = cmd_verbose_commands,
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, verbose_commands, PrintCommand)
-    ),
-    (
-        PrintCommand = yes,
-        io.format(ProgressStream,
-            "%% Invoking system command `%s'...\n", [s(Command)], !IO),
-        io.flush_output(ProgressStream, !IO)
-    ;
-        PrintCommand = no
-    ),
-    % The output from the command is written to a temporary file,
-    % which is then written to the output stream. Without this,
-    % the output from the command would go to the current C output
-    % and error streams.
-    io.file.make_temp_file(TmpFileResult, !IO),
-    (
-        TmpFileResult = ok(TmpFile),
-        ( if use_dotnet then
-            % XXX can't use Bourne shell syntax to redirect on .NET
-            % XXX the output will go to the wrong place!
-            CommandRedirected = Command
-        else if use_win32 then
-            % On windows, we can't in general redirect standard error
-            % in the shell.
-            CommandRedirected = string.format("%s > %s",
-                [s(Command), s(TmpFile)])
-        else
-            CommandRedirected = string.format("%s > %s 2>&1",
-                [s(Command), s(TmpFile)])
-        ),
-        io.call_system.call_system_return_signal(CommandRedirected,
-            CmdResult, !IO),
-        (
-            CmdResult = ok(exited(Status)),
-            maybe_write_string(ProgressStream, PrintCommand, "% done.\n", !IO),
-            ( if Status = 0 then
-                CommandSucceeded = succeeded
-            else
-                % The command should have produced output describing the error.
-                CommandSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-            )
-        ;
-            CmdResult = ok(signalled(Signal)),
-            string.format("system command received signal %d.", [i(Signal)],
-                ErrorMsg),
-            report_error(ProgressStream, ErrorMsg, !IO),
-            % Also report the error to standard output, because if we raise the
-            % signal, this error may not ever been seen, the process stops, and
-            % the user is confused.
-            io.stdout_stream(StdOut, !IO),
-            report_error(StdOut, ErrorMsg, !IO),
-            % Make sure the current process gets the signal. Some systems (e.g.
-            % Linux) ignore SIGINT during a call to system().
-            raise_signal(Signal, !IO),
-            CommandSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-        ;
-            CmdResult = error(Error),
-            report_error(ProgressStream, io.error_message(Error), !IO),
-            CommandSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-        )
-    ;
-        TmpFileResult = error(Error),
-        report_error(ProgressStream,
-            "Could not create temporary file: " ++ error_message(Error), !IO),
-        TmpFile = "",
-        CommandSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-    ),
-    ( if
-        MaybeProcessOutput = yes(ProcessOutput),
-        % We can't do bash style redirection on .NET.
-        not use_dotnet
-    then
-        io.file.make_temp_file(ProcessedTmpFileResult, !IO),
-        (
-            ProcessedTmpFileResult = ok(ProcessedTmpFile),
-            % XXX we should get rid of use_win32
-            ( if use_win32 then
-                get_system_env_type(Globals, SystemEnvType),
-                ( if SystemEnvType = env_type_powershell then
-                    ProcessOutputRedirected = string.format(
-                        "Get-context %s | %s > %s 2>&1",
-                        [s(TmpFile), s(ProcessOutput), s(ProcessedTmpFile)])
-                else
-                    % On windows, we can't in general redirect standard
-                    % error in the shell.
-                    ProcessOutputRedirected = string.format("%s < %s > %s",
-                        [s(ProcessOutput), s(TmpFile), s(ProcessedTmpFile)])
-                )
-            else
-                ProcessOutputRedirected = string.format("%s < %s > %s 2>&1",
-                    [s(ProcessOutput), s(TmpFile), s(ProcessedTmpFile)])
-            ),
-            (
-                PrintCommand = yes,
-                io.format(ProgressStream,
-                    "%% Invoking system command `%s'...\n",
-                        [s(ProcessOutputRedirected)], !IO),
-                io.flush_output(ProgressStream, !IO)
-            ;
-                PrintCommand = no
-            ),
-            io.call_system.call_system_return_signal(ProcessOutputRedirected,
-                ProcessOutputResult, !IO),
-            io.file.remove_file(TmpFile, _, !IO),
-            (
-                ProcessOutputResult = ok(exited(ProcessOutputStatus)),
-                maybe_write_string(ProgressStream, PrintCommand,
-                    "% done.\n", !IO),
-                ( if ProcessOutputStatus = 0 then
-                    ProcessOutputSucceeded = succeeded
-                else
-                    % The command should have produced output
-                    % describing the error.
-                    ProcessOutputSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-                )
-            ;
-                ProcessOutputResult = ok(signalled(ProcessOutputSignal)),
-                % Make sure the current process gets the signal. Some systems
-                % (e.g. Linux) ignore SIGINT during a call to system().
-                raise_signal(ProcessOutputSignal, !IO),
-                report_error(ProgressStream,
-                    "system command received signal "
-                    ++ int_to_string(ProcessOutputSignal) ++ ".", !IO),
-                ProcessOutputSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-            ;
-                ProcessOutputResult = error(ProcessOutputError),
-                ProcessOutputErrorMsg = io.error_message(ProcessOutputError),
-                report_error(ProgressStream, ProcessOutputErrorMsg, !IO),
-                ProcessOutputSucceeded = did_not_succeed
-            )
-        ;
-            ProcessedTmpFileResult = error(ProcessTmpError),
-            ProcessTmpErrorMsg = io.error_message(ProcessTmpError),
-            report_error(ProgressStream, ProcessTmpErrorMsg, !IO),
-            ProcessOutputSucceeded = did_not_succeed,
-            ProcessedTmpFile = ""
-        )
-    else
-        ProcessOutputSucceeded = succeeded,
-        ProcessedTmpFile = TmpFile
-    ),
-    Succeeded = CommandSucceeded `and` ProcessOutputSucceeded,
-    % Write the output to the error stream.
-    % XXX Why do we try to do this EVEN WHEN the code above had not Succeeded?
-    io.read_named_file_as_string(ProcessedTmpFile, TmpFileRes, !IO),
-    (
-        TmpFileRes = ok(TmpFileString),
-        io.write_string(CmdOutputStream, TmpFileString, !IO)
-    ;
-        TmpFileRes = error(TmpFileError),
-        report_error(ProgressStream,
-            "error opening command output: " ++ io.error_message(TmpFileError),
-            !IO)
-    ),
-    io.file.remove_file(ProcessedTmpFile, _, !IO),
-    io.set_exit_status(OldStatus, !IO).
-make_command_string(String0, QuoteType, String) :-
-    ( if use_win32 then
-        (
-            QuoteType = forward,
-            Quote = " '"
-        ;
-            QuoteType = double,
-            Quote = " """
-        ),
-        string.append_list(["sh -c ", Quote, String0, Quote], String)
-    else
-        String = String0
-    ).
-    % Are we compiling in a .NET environment?
-    %
-:- pred use_dotnet is semidet.
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-    use_dotnet,
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-% The following clause is only used if there is no matching foreign_proc.
-use_dotnet :-
-    semidet_fail.
-    % Are we compiling in a win32 environment?
-    %
-    % If in doubt, use_win32 should succeed. This is only used to decide
-    % whether to invoke Bourne shell command and shell scripts directly,
-    % or whether to invoke them via `sh -c ...'. The latter should work
-    % correctly in a Unix environment too, but is a little less efficient
-    % since it invokes another process.
-    %
-:- pred use_win32 is semidet.
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    use_win32,
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-#ifdef MR_WIN32
-% The following clause is only used if there is no matching foreign_proc.
-% See comment above for why it is OK to just succeed here.
-use_win32 :-
-    semidet_succeed.
  % Java command-line utilities.
diff --git a/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html b/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
index 5f265b0..d788395 100644
--- a/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
+++ b/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
@@ -2502,6 +2502,8 @@ from which they can later be restored.
  indent.m provides utilities for dealing with indentation
  in the text that the compiler writes out
  to e.g. target language files and HLDS dumps.
+system_command.m contains predicates for invoking commands via the shell.

  <h2>Currently undocumented</h2>

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