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53 ops

% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 1995-2008, 2010, 2012 The University of Melbourne.
% Copyright (C) 2014-2018 The Mercury team.
% This file is distributed under the terms specified in COPYING.LIB.
% File: ops.m.
% Main author: fjh.
% Stability: low.
% This module exports a typeclass `ops.op_table' which is used to define
% operator precedence tables for use by
% `mercury_term_parser.read_term_with_op_table' and
% `term_io.write_term_with_op_table'.
% It also exports an instance `ops.mercury_op_table' that implements the
% Mercury operator table defined in the Mercury Language Reference Manual.
% See samples/calculator2.m for an example program.

:- module ops.
:- interface.

:- import_module list.


    % An class describes what structure terms constructed with an operator
    % of that class are allowed to take.
:- type class
    --->    infix(ops.assoc, ops.assoc)             % term Op term
    ;       prefix(ops.assoc)                       % Op term
    ;       binary_prefix(ops.assoc, ops.assoc)     % Op term term
    ;       postfix(ops.assoc).                     % term Op

    % `x' represents an argument whose priority must be
    % strictly lower than the priority of the operator.
    % `y' represents an argument whose priority must be
    % lower than or equal to the priority of the operator.
:- type assoc
    --->    x
    ;       y.

    % Operators with a low "priority" bind more tightly than those
    % with a high "priority". For example, given that `+' has
    % priority 500 and `*' has priority 400, the term `2 * X + Y'
    % would parse as `(2 * X) + Y'.
    % The lowest priority is 0.
:- type priority == int.

:- type op_info
    --->    op_info(


:- typeclass op_table(Table) where [

        % Check whether a string is the name of an infix operator,
        % and if it is, return its precedence and associativity.
    pred lookup_infix_op(Table::in, string::in, ops.priority::out,
        ops.assoc::out, ops.assoc::out) is semidet,

        % Check whether a string is the name of a prefix operator,
        % and if it is, return its precedence and associativity.
    pred lookup_prefix_op(Table::in, string::in,
        ops.priority::out, ops.assoc::out) is semidet,

        % Check whether a string is the name of a binary prefix operator,
        % and if it is, return its precedence and associativity.
    pred lookup_binary_prefix_op(Table::in, string::in,
        ops.priority::out, ops.assoc::out, ops.assoc::out) is semidet,

        % Check whether a string is the name of a postfix operator,
        % and if it is, return its precedence and associativity.
    pred lookup_postfix_op(Table::in, string::in, ops.priority::out,
        ops.assoc::out) is semidet,

        % Check whether a string is the name of an operator.
    pred lookup_op(Table::in, string::in) is semidet,

        % Check whether a string is the name of an operator, and if it is,
        % return the op_info describing that operator in the third argument.
        % If the string is the name of more than one operator, return
        % information about its other guises in the last argument.
    pred lookup_op_infos(Table::in, string::in,
        op_info::out, list(op_info)::out) is semidet,

        % Operator terms are terms of the form `X `Op` Y', where `Op' is
        % a variable or a name and `X' and `Y' are terms. If operator terms
        % are included in `Table', return their precedence and associativity.
    pred lookup_operator_term(Table::in, ops.priority::out,
        ops.assoc::out, ops.assoc::out) is semidet,

        % Returns the highest priority number (the lowest is zero).
    func max_priority(Table) = ops.priority,

        % The maximum priority of an operator appearing as the top-level
        % functor of an argument of a compound term.
        % This will generally be the precedence of `,/2' less one.
        % If `,/2' does not appear in the op_table, `ops.max_priority' plus one
        % may be a reasonable value.
    func arg_priority(Table) = ops.priority


    % The table of Mercury operators.
    % See the "Builtin Operators" section of the "Syntax" chapter
    % of the Mercury Language Reference Manual for details.
:- type mercury_op_table.
:- instance ops.op_table(ops.mercury_op_table).

:- func init_mercury_op_table = (ops.mercury_op_table::uo) is det.


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