[m-rev.] for review: move file copying to its own module

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Fri Jan 5 16:47:06 AEDT 2024

For review by anyone.

This diff just shifts code about; the request for review is for the new module
name, documentation etc, plus the following proposal, which outlines the next
changes I am intending to make.

copy_file/6 currently works by doing the following:

1. Attempt to copy a file using a shell command (the value of the
    --install-command option).

2. *If* that fails, attempt to copy all the bytes from the source file to the
    destination using Mercury code as a fallback.

If the value of --install-command is correct, then it is hard to see (2)
succeeding at all if (1) has already failed.  The origins of copy_file/6 are in
the old modules.m and looking at that I suspect the current situation has
arisen by accident rather than design. Notably, of the two places that do file
copying *within* the compiler, module_cmds and make.program_target, only the
former has ever used the fallback approach; the latter only uses
--install-command approach.

I propose to change copy_file/6 to use the new --install-method option and
either use approach (1) or approach (2) (i.e. without the fallback behaviour).
This should allow us to centralise all file copying done by the compiler in the
copy_util module and also let us (finally) address the file copying issues on


Move file copying to its own module.

     Move the predicate copy_file/6 from here ...

     ... to here. The code is otherwise unchanged.

     Include the new module.

     Document the new module.


diff --git a/compiler/copy_util.m b/compiler/copy_util.m
index e69de29..3a15940 100644
--- a/compiler/copy_util.m
+++ b/compiler/copy_util.m
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2008-2012 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 2013-2024 The Mercury team.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: copy_util.m.
+% This module provides a predicate for copying files.
+:- module libs.copy_util.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module libs.file_util.
+:- import_module libs.globals.
+:- import_module io.
+    % copy_file(Globals, ProgressStream, Source, Destination, Succeeded, !IO).
+    %
+    % XXX A version of this predicate belongs in the standard library.
+    %
+:- pred copy_file(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
+    file_name::in, file_name::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module libs.maybe_util.
+:- import_module libs.system_cmds.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module int.
+copy_file(Globals, ProgressStream, Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    % Try to use the system's cp command in order to preserve metadata.
+    Command = make_install_file_command(Globals, Source, Destination),
+    invoke_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream, ProgressStream,
+        cmd_verbose, Command, Succeeded, !IO),
+    (
+        Succeeded = succeeded,
+        Res = ok
+    ;
+        Succeeded = did_not_succeed,
+        do_copy_file(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+    ).
+    % XXX TODO: copying the file byte-by-byte is inefficient.
+    % If the OS or platform we are on provides a system call for copying files,
+    % we should use that in preference to the code below.
+    % When the standard library has a byte_array type, the code below should be
+    % change the code below to read the file being copied into a byte_array and
+    % then write out that array using a single system call.
+    %
+:- pred do_copy_file(file_name::in, file_name::in, io.res::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+do_copy_file(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    io.open_binary_input(Source, SourceRes, !IO),
+    (
+        SourceRes = ok(SourceStream),
+        io.open_binary_output(Destination, DestRes, !IO),
+        (
+            DestRes = ok(DestStream),
+            copy_bytes(SourceStream, DestStream, Res, !IO),
+            io.close_binary_input(SourceStream, !IO),
+            io.close_binary_output(DestStream, !IO)
+        ;
+            DestRes = error(Error),
+            Res = error(Error)
+        )
+    ;
+        SourceRes = error(Error),
+        Res = error(Error)
+    ).
+:- pred copy_bytes(io.binary_input_stream::in, io.binary_output_stream::in,
+    io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+copy_bytes(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    should_reduce_stack_usage(ShouldReduce),
+    (
+        ShouldReduce = no,
+        copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+    ;
+        ShouldReduce = yes,
+        copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred copy_bytes_plain(io.binary_input_stream::in,
+    io.binary_output_stream::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    io.read_binary_uint8_unboxed(Source, ByteResult, Byte, !IO),
+    (
+        ByteResult = ok,
+        io.write_binary_uint8(Destination, Byte, !IO),
+        copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+    ;
+        ByteResult = eof,
+        Res = ok
+    ;
+        ByteResult = error(Error),
+        Res = error(Error)
+    ).
+:- type copy_chunk_inner_res0
+    --->    ccir0_ok
+    ;       ccir0_error(io.error)
+    ;       ccir0_more.
+:- pred copy_bytes_chunk(io.binary_input_stream::in,
+    io.binary_output_stream::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    % ChunkSize gives the maximum number of recursive calls we want to allow in
+    % the copy_bytes_inner predicate. Without such a limit, the depth of
+    % recursion, which depends on the size of the file they read, will cause
+    % exhaustion of the det stack in debug grades, since there is no tail
+    % recursion in such grades.
+    %
+    % With this arrangement, the maximum number of stack frames needed to
+    % process a file of size N is N/1000 + 1000, the former being the number of
+    % frames of copy_bytes_chunk predicate, the latter being the max number of
+    % frames of the copy_bytes_inner predicate.
+    %
+    ChunkSize = 1000,
+    copy_bytes_inner(ChunkSize, Source, Destination, InnerRes, !IO),
+    (
+        InnerRes = ccir0_ok,
+        Res = ok
+    ;
+        InnerRes = ccir0_error(Error),
+        Res = error(Error)
+    ;
+        InnerRes = ccir0_more,
+        copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred copy_bytes_inner(int::in, io.binary_input_stream::in,
+    io.binary_output_stream::in, copy_chunk_inner_res0::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+copy_bytes_inner(Left, Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
+    ( if Left > 0 then
+        io.read_binary_uint8_unboxed(Source, ByteResult, Byte, !IO),
+        (
+            ByteResult = ok,
+            io.write_binary_uint8(Destination, Byte, !IO),
+            copy_bytes_inner(Left - 1, Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
+        ;
+            ByteResult = eof,
+            Res = ccir0_ok
+        ;
+            ByteResult = error(Error),
+            Res = ccir0_error(Error)
+        )
+    else
+        Res = ccir0_more
+    ).
+:- pred should_reduce_stack_usage(bool::out) is det.
+% For non-C backends.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    should_reduce_stack_usage(ShouldReduce::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe,
+        does_not_affect_liveness],
+#ifdef  MR_EXEC_TRACE
+    ShouldReduce = MR_YES;
+    ShouldReduce = MR_NO;
+:- end_module copy_util.
diff --git a/compiler/libs.m b/compiler/libs.m
index 6984e7b..d852ac9 100644
--- a/compiler/libs.m
+++ b/compiler/libs.m
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
  :- include_module va_map.

  % OS interfaces not provided by the standard library.
+:- include_module copy_util.
  :- include_module process_util.
  :- include_module shell_util.
  :- include_module system_cmds.
diff --git a/compiler/module_cmds.m b/compiler/module_cmds.m
index dbf56cd..676164e 100644
--- a/compiler/module_cmds.m
+++ b/compiler/module_cmds.m
@@ -62,13 +62,6 @@


-    % copy_file(Globals, ProgressStream, Source, Destination, Succeeded, !IO).
-    %
-    % XXX A version of this predicate belongs in the standard library.
-    %
-:- pred copy_file(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
-    file_name::in, file_name::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
      % maybe_make_symlink(Globals, TargetFile, LinkName, Result, !IO):
      % If `--use-symlinks' is set, attempt to make LinkName a symlink
@@ -174,6 +167,7 @@
  :- implementation.

  :- import_module libs.compute_grade.    % for grade_directory_component
+:- import_module libs.copy_util.
  :- import_module libs.options.
  :- import_module libs.system_cmds.
  :- import_module parse_tree.java_names.
@@ -281,152 +275,6 @@ copy_dot_tmp_to_base_file_create_file(Globals, ProgressStream,


-copy_file(Globals, ProgressStream, Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    % Try to use the system's cp command in order to preserve metadata.
-    Command = make_install_file_command(Globals, Source, Destination),
-    invoke_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream, ProgressStream,
-        cmd_verbose, Command, Succeeded, !IO),
-    (
-        Succeeded = succeeded,
-        Res = ok
-    ;
-        Succeeded = did_not_succeed,
-        do_copy_file(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-    ).
-    % XXX TODO: copying the file byte-by-byte is inefficient.
-    % If the OS or platform we are on provides a system call for copying files,
-    % we should use that in preference to the code below.
-    % When the standard library has a byte_array type, the code below should be
-    % change the code below to read the file being copied into a byte_array and
-    % then write out that array using a single system call.
-    %
-:- pred do_copy_file(file_name::in, file_name::in, io.res::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-do_copy_file(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    io.open_binary_input(Source, SourceRes, !IO),
-    (
-        SourceRes = ok(SourceStream),
-        io.open_binary_output(Destination, DestRes, !IO),
-        (
-            DestRes = ok(DestStream),
-            copy_bytes(SourceStream, DestStream, Res, !IO),
-            io.close_binary_input(SourceStream, !IO),
-            io.close_binary_output(DestStream, !IO)
-        ;
-            DestRes = error(Error),
-            Res = error(Error)
-        )
-    ;
-        SourceRes = error(Error),
-        Res = error(Error)
-    ).
-:- pred copy_bytes(io.binary_input_stream::in, io.binary_output_stream::in,
-    io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-copy_bytes(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    should_reduce_stack_usage(ShouldReduce),
-    (
-        ShouldReduce = no,
-        copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-    ;
-        ShouldReduce = yes,
-        copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-    ).
-:- pred copy_bytes_plain(io.binary_input_stream::in,
-    io.binary_output_stream::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    io.read_binary_uint8_unboxed(Source, ByteResult, Byte, !IO),
-    (
-        ByteResult = ok,
-        io.write_binary_uint8(Destination, Byte, !IO),
-        copy_bytes_plain(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-    ;
-        ByteResult = eof,
-        Res = ok
-    ;
-        ByteResult = error(Error),
-        Res = error(Error)
-    ).
-:- type copy_chunk_inner_res0
-    --->    ccir0_ok
-    ;       ccir0_error(io.error)
-    ;       ccir0_more.
-:- pred copy_bytes_chunk(io.binary_input_stream::in,
-    io.binary_output_stream::in, io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    % ChunkSize gives the maximum number of recursive calls we want to allow in
-    % the copy_bytes_inner predicate. Without such a limit, the depth of
-    % recursion, which depends on the size of the file they read, will cause
-    % exhaustion of the det stack in debug grades, since there is no tail
-    % recursion in such grades.
-    %
-    % With this arrangement, the maximum number of stack frames needed to
-    % process a file of size N is N/1000 + 1000, the former being the number of
-    % frames of copy_bytes_chunk predicate, the latter being the max number of
-    % frames of the copy_bytes_inner predicate.
-    %
-    ChunkSize = 1000,
-    copy_bytes_inner(ChunkSize, Source, Destination, InnerRes, !IO),
-    (
-        InnerRes = ccir0_ok,
-        Res = ok
-    ;
-        InnerRes = ccir0_error(Error),
-        Res = error(Error)
-    ;
-        InnerRes = ccir0_more,
-        copy_bytes_chunk(Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-    ).
-:- pred copy_bytes_inner(int::in, io.binary_input_stream::in,
-    io.binary_output_stream::in, copy_chunk_inner_res0::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-copy_bytes_inner(Left, Source, Destination, Res, !IO) :-
-    ( if Left > 0 then
-        io.read_binary_uint8_unboxed(Source, ByteResult, Byte, !IO),
-        (
-            ByteResult = ok,
-            io.write_binary_uint8(Destination, Byte, !IO),
-            copy_bytes_inner(Left - 1, Source, Destination, Res, !IO)
-        ;
-            ByteResult = eof,
-            Res = ccir0_ok
-        ;
-            ByteResult = error(Error),
-            Res = ccir0_error(Error)
-        )
-    else
-        Res = ccir0_more
-    ).
-:- pred should_reduce_stack_usage(bool::out) is det.
-% For non-C backends.
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    should_reduce_stack_usage(ShouldReduce::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe,
-        does_not_affect_liveness],
-#ifdef  MR_EXEC_TRACE
-    ShouldReduce = MR_YES;
-    ShouldReduce = MR_NO;
  :- pred copy_dir(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
      dir_name::in, dir_name::in, maybe_succeeded::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

diff --git a/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html b/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
index 2b792e7..4c18500 100644
--- a/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
+++ b/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
@@ -2504,6 +2504,8 @@ in the text that the compiler writes out
  to e.g. target language files and HLDS dumps.
  system_cmds.m contains predicates for invoking commands via the shell.
+copy_util.m contains predicates for copying files.

  <h2>Currently undocumented</h2>

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